Том 3, № 1S (2006)


Использование УЗИ для определения ядер окостенения костей запястья

Григанов М.В., Акишкина Е.П.


A new method of ultra-sound screening of a child aimed at determining the character of ossification of the wrist was developed. The results of investigation showed that the method of ultra-sound screening of a child's hand is more effective compared with X-ray examination.
Вестник Волгоградского государственного медицинского университета. 2006;3(1S):3-5
pages 3-5 views

Анализ структуры смертности населения Липецкойобласти за период с 2000 по 2004 годы

Шуршуков Ю.Ю.


The article presents data regarding mortality rates of the population in the region of Lipetsk and provides an analysis of the reasons of decreased mortality rates among the population. The efficiency of social and economic policy in the region is being evaluated.
Вестник Волгоградского государственного медицинского университета. 2006;3(1S):5-8
pages 5-8 views

Организация стоматологической помощикак социальная проблема

Вейсгейм Л.Д., Люмкис Е.В.


The article deals with analysis of dental disease incidence among people engaged in aluminium works. A number of recommendations for optimizing organization of dental care in metallergic industry has been suggested.
Вестник Волгоградского государственного медицинского университета. 2006;3(1S):8-10
pages 8-10 views

Охрана труда на концессионных предприятияхСССР

Юдина Т.В.


To solve the current demographic problems, it is necessary to evaluate the experience of protecting workers' interests at workplace. The most important experience was gained in the 1920-s, when the government programme of labour safety was launched. Concessive enterprises were of particular interest because they focused on creation of favourable working conditions.
Вестник Волгоградского государственного медицинского университета. 2006;3(1S):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Врач между правом и моралью

Ковелина Т.А.


An analysis of moral and law correlation in the work of a doctor is presented in the article. It is pointed out that the law realizes the main ethical principle, i.e. fairness.
Вестник Волгоградского государственного медицинского университета. 2006;3(1S):14-17
pages 14-17 views

Возможности социологии медициныпри разработке региональной биополитики

Шляпникова М.Н.


Studies in medical sociology can effect integration of the efforts of powerful structures and bodies of public health services in maintaining a high quality of a life of immigrants, ethnic refugees, as well as some representatives of certain diasporas.
Вестник Волгоградского государственного медицинского университета. 2006;3(1S):17-19
pages 17-19 views

К вопросу обоснования необходимости развитияглобального мышления

Иванова З.И., Глушкова Л.И.


Different approaches to the development of a global way of thinking in the students of higher educational institutions are presented in the article. The advantages of some teaching techniques which contribute to the formation of a global way of thinking have been described.
Вестник Волгоградского государственного медицинского университета. 2006;3(1S):19-22
pages 19-22 views

Генезис правового нигилизма в России

Гуляихин В.Н.


The historical conditions of the development of legal nihilism in the Russian society are presented in the paper "Genesis of Legal Nihilism in Russia." In the author's opinion, the Russian history is determined by humanistic and authoritarian trends of social development. Both humanistic and authoritarian trends can give rise to certain types of legal nihilism. For example, authoritarian nihilism neglects natural laws and freedoms of the individual in the name of external social forces, while humanistic legal nihilism denies authoritarian legal regulations which enslave people.
Вестник Волгоградского государственного медицинского университета. 2006;3(1S):23-25
pages 23-25 views

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