


The structure of acute diseases of the internal organs and secondary organopatological changes in survivors of big marine disasters of military and civil ships connected with hull damages and their sinking in the period from 1980 till 2011 has been studied. The acute diseases of the internal organs developed in 28.1 %: with supercooling at the background - in
17.1 % of the persons, combined two-factor meсhanical-cold injuries in 9.6 %, ambustial-chemical traumas in 0.9 %. The secondary organopathological changes of the internal organs in the survivors of the marine disasters increased up to
12.1 %: after acute cold traumas - in 5.8 % of the survivors, after combined two-factor meсhanical-cold traumas - in 5.5 %, after ambustial-chemical traumas - in 0.8 %. Among the survivors, the acute diseases of internal organs against serious organism supercooling and serious meсhanical-cold damages have been diagnosed in 68.5 %, and in cases of supercooling of light and medium degree and light mechanical cold traumas - in 28.3 %, what was 2.4 times less.


Yuriy Zakrevskiy

Email: <>

R Matveev

V Butikov

D Balakhnov

Yu Zakrevsky

Naval Clinical Hospital

Naval Clinical Hospital

R Matveev

Northern State Medical University

Northern State Medical University

V Butikov

Naval Clinical Hospital

Naval Clinical Hospital

D Balakhnov

Naval Clinical Hospital

Naval Clinical Hospital


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版权所有 © Zakrevskiy Y.N., Matveev R.P., Butikov V.P., Balakhnov D.O., Zakrevsky Y.N., Matveev R.P., Butikov V.P., Balakhnov D.O., 2012

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