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Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) are ones of most widespread toxic xenobiotics being resistant to environmental degradation. Recovery of natural ecosystems from PCB contamination is primarily related to activity of microorganisms capable of degrading these compounds. In order to study the bacterial communities of degraders from the PCB-contaminated grounds from the area of the JSC «Middle-Volga Chemical Plant» (the City of Chapaevsk, Samara Region), there was evaluated a number of bacteria-degraders in the grounds; the taxonomic composition of these communities was determined and most efficient bacterial associations degrading the PCB were selected. The ground samples taken from this enterprise territory have shown that the PCB concentration varied within 0.21-1.07 mg/kg. The amount of bacteria-degraders of biphenyl/PCB in the grounds under study was estimated as 4.0x106 - 1.5x107. Meanwhile, with the increase of the PCB concentration in the grounds, there was detected elevated number of bacteria-degraders. It was determined that bacterial degraders were represented by genera Achromobacter, Pseudomonas, Arthrobacter, Microbacterium, Acinetobacter, Bacillus, and Rhodococcus. Bacterial associations of degraders were selected that effectively degraded the PCB commercial mixtures «Delor 103» and «Sovol». These bacterial associations may be used for development of new biotechnologies, for remediation of PCB-contaminated soils and grounds.

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Принята Стокгольмская конвенция, согласно которой ряд стойких органических загрязнителей (СОЗ), в том числе полихлорированные бифенилы (ПХБ), подлежат полному выведению из производства, применения и должны быть уничтожены [11]. Од ним из наиболее загрязненных хлорорганическими соединениями городов России является г. Чапаевск (Самарская область), население которого составляет около 72 тысяч человек [16]. В ХХ веке в течение нескольких десятилетий до конца 80-х годов на территории города Чапаевска на химическом предприятии «Средне-Волжский завод химикатов» (ОАО «СВЗХ») осуществлялся выпуск различных хлорооганических соединений, таких как линдан (смесь гексахлорци- 3

About the authors

A V Nazarov

Perm State National Research University Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms UB RAS Perm

D O Egorova

Perm State National Research University Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms UB RAS Perm

A A Makarenko

Emulsion technology LTD Samara

V A Demakov

Perm State National Research University Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms UB RAS Perm

E G Plotnikova

Perm State National Research University Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms UB RAS Perm


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